Project Overview
Created process for printing product information on packaging
Used industrial envelope printer
Product info. included lot number and expiration date
Printed on various size peel pouches and blister lids
Product information scanned from barcodes onto print software
Pitney Bowes AddressRight DA70S Printer
Input Field Filled by Bar Code Scanner
Sample Blister Lid with Product Info. Printed in Black Ink
Process Design
Utilized an old Pitney Bowes DA70s Envelope Printer
Used EasyLabel Plus label design software
Disassembled/reassembled entire printer to clean components and replace broken shuttlehead motor
Created separate print templates for 19 product codes
Programmed barcode scanner to extract product info. from work order bar codes
Setup variable input fields on templates to accept bar code readings
Documented setup and settings for each product code
Wrote technical procedure for process and printer
Wrote process verification protocol
Design Challenges & Solutions
Some product packaging was too small to use feed guide
Resulted in improper print feed, and skewed text
Designed a new feed guide
Printer jammed or skewed text on some packaging sizes
Found ideal printer setups for each type and wrote individualized setup procedures
Printer jammed a lot at first
Printed skewed text and ink splotches
Disassembled and cleaned all components, removed old label stickers stuck inside
SolidWorks Model of new Feed Guide
Packaging Labeling Process
I created a printing process to replace a manual stamping process for labeling product packaging, utilizing a Pitney Bowes printer, a programmable barcode scanner, and label printing software.